i daydream alot about one day owning my own island. it would be my retreat from the rest of the world it would be my own little world. i could fill it with all kinds of exotic plants and animals so that the entire island is a fantastical garden. since i'm just a poor college student who daydreams instead of doing his work i have decided to make a bonsai island. a miniature of my wildest dreams. i probably wont be able to do it while i live here in this appartment. where-ever i move to once my lease is up i will be able to start on this project. i'll have to buy a large low table especiall for this purpose and position it in front of a window. i can go to any second hand shop and get a cheap table. it should be rectangular so that it will sit close against the window to take advantage of all the availible light. i can make a large shallow dish like the one above out of concrete. it will be deep enough only to hold half and inch of water. the island will also be made of concrete with large rocks inserted in it to make natural looking topography. instead of a group like the picture above i will make one central island and i will design and plant it to be what i've always wanted. i can sprinkle sand on the wet concrete to make the beaches. i can plant my leptinella, irish moss, ficus and other miniature plants to make it look like a natural miniature landscape. if i have to money i may even try to keep small animals on the island. there is a miniature chaemelion and miniature gecko. what would be really cool. if i keep animals in it would be to have a giant glass dome to cover the island. that would be awsome.
something like this would be ideal. its an antique lighted case that sold at an auction for $150. http://www.antiquehelper.com/item/314572
if i could just find a cheaper large display case like the kind you find in grocery and department stores that would be ideal.
i found a new wood case for about $1200 on http://www.fixturesgroup.com/content.php?parent=wood_cases&type=products&parent_menu_name=Fine Hardwood Display Cases&title=Full/Half Vision Showcases&product_id=381
heres one from http://www.storesupply.com/pc-12894-751-6-metal-framed-full-vision-display-case-65562.aspx for only $364
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